Discover LocalSolver Studio at Dataquitaine

LocalSolver is pleased to sponsor the 6th edition of Dataquitaine. This forum will take place on Thursday 2nd of March 2023, at Kedge Business School Bordeaux, France. During this forum, we will discuss the practice and impact of artificial intelligence, data science, optimization, and operations research in business and industry. You can find the Dataquitaine 2023 program here.
This conference is also an opportunity for Julien Darlay, Head of Science at LocalSolver, to present our new product: LocalSolver Studio. It allows you to develop and test LocalSolver-powered optimization applications anywhere from your browser. Below is the abstract of the presentation he will give at 10:00 a.m.
LocalSolver Studio: develop and deploy an optimization app in a few clicks
LocalSolver is a software company specializing in operations research. The team develops LocalSolver, an innovative optimization solver to tackle the problems encountered in the industry. These problems are large, with many business constraints, and require finding optimal solutions in a few minutes.
To simplify and accelerate the building of applications, LocalSolver launches a platform, LocalSolver Studio, accessible via a web browser. It includes a code editor to write, launch, and debug your LocalSolver optimization models and a graphical interface for generating routing and scheduling apps in a few clicks. The engine is run remotely, “as a service,” with integration to LocalSolver Cloud. The platform also includes visualization tools to analyze solutions and build simple dashboards.
We will present the typical path of an optimization project, the difficulties that arise, and the solutions that LocalSolver can provide.
You couldn’t attend the conference? Here is the replay of Julien’s presentation.
Are you interested in trying LocalSolver? Get free trial licenses here. In the meantime, feel free to contact us; we will be glad to exchange your optimization problems.
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