Hexaly Studio

Hexaly Studio provides developers with the perfect low-code SaaS platform for developing, debugging, and running optimization applications written with the Hexaly modeling language.

a powerful low-code SaaS platform for mathematical optimization

Why Hexaly Studio?

A code editor built for the Hexaly language

A code editor built for the Hexaly language

Hexaly Studio offers the perfect code editor for writing optimization models using the Hexaly language (LSP) With features like syntax checking, auto-completion, and integrated documentation, the studio helps you write concise and error-free models.

Online disk space for your projects

Online disk space for your projects

All your project files are securely stored in the cloud and accessible from any device, anywhere. With several gigabytes of available disk space, you can create and manage all of your projects.

Run models from your laptop

Run models from your laptop

Thanks to the integration with the Hexaly Cloud, you can run your Hexaly models directly from your browser without any installation or configuration. This also means you can use a machine that fits your specific needs in terms of computing power.

Powerful visualization tools

Powerful visualization tools

Simplify the process of building interfaces connected to your optimization models. With easy-to-build dashboards, you can input data, set parameters for your optimization, and visualize the results of the optimization with many different widgets.

build your optimization application in days

Hexaly No-Code Modeler

The Hexaly No-Code Modeler is an innovative tool designed to accelerate the development of optimization models and user interfaces.

Having defined your business problem in a few clicks, the Hexaly No-Code Modeler generates the corresponding Hexaly mathematical optimization model with appropriate interfaces.

Ready to start?

Discover Hexaly Studio with a free 1-month trial.