External functions¶
External functions are a special feature of Hexaly Optimizer that allows you to create your own operators for your model. They have two main interests:
To create expressions that cannot be represented easily with the available catalog of operators of Hexaly Optimizer. For example, Hexaly Optimizer does not have a special operator for inverse trigonometric functions (such as arctan, arcsin or arccos). With external functions, you can create them provided that your coding language allows it. In fact, you can create almost any operator or function you want as long as it returns a valid integer or floating-point number, or an array of integer or floating numbers.
To reduce the size of your model. If you have many equivalent expressions, or a recurring pattern, you can replace it with an external function and reduce the number of expressions in the model and thus, reduce the memory footprint of Hexaly Optimizer and improve the global search performance.
Even if external functions are a really powerful and simple to use feature, you have to take care of the few pitfalls listed at the end of the document, especially the thread-safety issue.
External functions must be pure mathematical functions, which means:
The returned value must only depend on the input values: calling an external function with the same parameters must always returns the same value.
They should not have any side effects (some technical aspects such as reusing arrays or intermediate objects useful for internal calculations are nevertheless allowed).
Moreover, no assumption can be made as to when and on which parameters the optimizer will call the external function. This is because Hexaly Optimizer can explore the domain of the function independently of any solution. For example, the optimizer may call the function on some tentative assignment of values or precompute it for a certain number of input values.
To use external functions with your model, you have to proceed in 3 steps:
Create and code your function. The exact way depends on the targeting language (implementing an interface, using a delegate, etc.), but the main principle is the same: a list of arguments is provided to your code as input and it must return an integer or floating point number or an array of integer or floating numbers as output.
Instantiate your function and transform it to an
than can be made available to other expressions. At the end of this step, you will get anHxExpression
of typeO_ExternalFunction
, that does not have a value by itself, but than can be used inO_Call
expressions. You can optionally provide additional data about your function, such as a lower bound, an upper bound, and wether or not the function can return a NaN value. This is done by accessing and modifying theHxExternalContext
of the function.Pass arguments to your function and call it. For that, you have to create expressions of type
. The first operand will be your external function created in step 2, and the other operands will be otherHxExpressions
. The values of these operands will be passed to your code/function during the search.
You can use external functions with the modeling language and all the languages supported by the API of Hexaly Optimizer (Python, C++, Java, .NET).
In this example, we expose the inverse cosine function (also called arccosine) to our model, and we try to minimize a simple expression based on this new operator.
With Hexaly Modeler, any function can be turned into a new operator provided that it takes a list of optimizer values (numbers, arrays, intervals or collections) and it returns a number or a map.
To create a new external function, you can use
, doubleExternalFunction()
(depending on the return type of
your function).
Then, you can use your function in CALL
expressions with the
operator. Values of the arguments of your external
function will be exposed through a unique object of type
that can be seen as a
read-only list.
You can access the context of the function by addressing the field
of the function expression:
use math;
function model() {
x <- float(-0.5, 0.5);
y <- float(-0.5, 0.5);
func <- doubleExternalFunction(hxAcos);
func.context.lowerBound = 0.0;
func.context.upperBound = math.pi;
func.context.nanable = true;
minimize call(func, x + y);
constraint x + 3*y >= 0.75;
function hxAcos(args) {
// math.acos is a function provided in the math module.
return math.acos(args[0]);
In Python, any function can be turned into a new operator provided that
it takes a list of values (numbers, arrays, intervals or collections)
and it returns a number or an array. To create a new
external function, you can use
(depending on
the return type of your function).
Then, you can use your function in CALL
expressions. To create CALL
you can use the generic method create_expression()
use the shortcut call()
or use the specific overloaded
operator on HxExpressions.
Values of the arguments of your external function will be exposed
through a HxExternalArgumentValues
that can be seen as a
read-only list.
You can access the HxExternalContext
of the function with
or the shortcut
from hexaly.optimizer import HexalyOptimizer
import math
def hxAcos(arg_values):
if arg_values[0] < -1 or arg_values[0] > 1: return float('nan')
return math.acos(arg_values[0])
hx = HexalyOptimizer()
m = hx.model
func = m.create_double_external_function(hxAcos)
func.external_context.lower_bound = 0.0
func.external_context.upper_bound = math.pi
x = m.float(-0.5, 0.5)
y = m.float(-0.5, 0.5)
m.minimize(func(x + y))
m.constraint(x + 3*y >= 0.75)
In CPP, according to the type of your function, you have to extend the
or HxArrayExternalFunction
class and specifically the call
method to implement your external
function (step 1).
Then (step 2), you instantiate your function and turn it into an
HxExpression with the createExternalFunction()
Finally (step 3), you can use your function in O_Call
expressions. To create O_Call
expressions, you can use
the generic method createExpression()
, the shortcut
or use the specific overloaded
on HxExpressions. Values of the
arguments of your external function will be exposed through a
You can access the HxExternalContext
of the function with
#include <cmath>
#include <hexalyoptimizer.h>
// Step 1: implement the external function
class HxArcCos : public HxExternalFunction<hxdouble> {
hxdouble call(const HxExternalArgumentValues& argumentValues) {
return std::acos(argumentValues.getDoubleValue(0));
HexalyOptimizer hx;
HxModel m = hx.getModel();
HxArcCos acosCode;
// Step 2: Turn the external code into an HxExpression
HxExpression func = m.createExternalFunction(&acosCode);
HxExpression x = m.floatVar(-0.5, 0.5);
HxExpression y = m.floatVar(-0.5, 0.5);
// Step 3: Call the function
m.minimize(func(x + y));
m.constraint(x + 3*y >= 0.75);
In C#, the signature of external functions must conform to the delegates
, HxDoubleExternalFunction
or HxDoubleArrayExternalFunction
take an HxExternalArgumentValues
instance and return an integer or a
double value, or an array of integer or double numbers.
Then, you can use your function in Call
expressions. To create
expressions, you can use the generic method
or use the shortcut HxModel.Call
Values of the arguments of your external function will be exposed
through an``HxExternalArgumentValues``.
You can access the HxExternalContext
of the function with
using System.Math;
using Hexaly.Optimizer;
double Acos(HxExternalArgumentValues argumentValues)
return Math.Acos(argumentValues.GetDoubleValue(0));
void TestExternalFunction()
HexalyOptimizer hx = new HexalyOptimizer();
HxModel m = hx.GetModel();
HxExpression func = m.CreateDoubleExternalFunction(Acos);
HxExpression x = m.Float(-0.5, 0.5);
HxExpression y = m.Float(-0.5, 0.5);
m.Minimize(m.Call(func, x + y));
m.Constraint(x + 3*y >= 0.75);
In Java, you have to implement the HxIntExternalFunction
, HxIntArrayExternalFunction
interface and specifically the
method to implement your external function (step 1).
Then (step 2), you instantiate your function and turn it into an
HxExpression with the methods HxModel.createIntExternalFunction
Finally (step 3), you can use your function in HxOperator.Call
expressions. To create HxOperator.Call
expressions, you can use the
generic method HxModel.createExpression
or the shortcut
. Values of the arguments of your external function will
be exposed through an HxExternalArgumentValues
You can access the HxExternalContext
of the function with
import java.lang.Math;
import com.hexaly.optimizer.*;
void TestExternalFunction() {
HexalyOptimizer hx = new HexalyOptimizer();
HxModel m = hx.getModel();
HxExpression func = m.createDoubleExternalFunction(
args -> return Math.acos(args.getDoubleValue(0))
HxExpression x = m.floatVar(-0.5, 0.5);
HxExpression y = m.floatVar(-0.5, 0.5);
m.minimize(m.call(func, m.sum(x, y)));
m.constraint(m.geq(m.sum(x, m.prod(3, y)), 0.75));
Optimizer status & cinematic¶
Most of the time your external function will be called when the optimizer is in
state Running
. Do not attempt to call any method of the optimizer
(to retrieve statistics, values of HxExpressions or whatever) in that state or
an exception will be thrown. The only accessible function is
The search strategy of Hexaly Optimizer is multi-threaded by default. Thus,
multiple threads can call your external functions and your code at the same
time. This is not a problem as long as your external function does not have any
side effect. In other cases, it is your responsability to ensure the
thread-safety of your code by using mutexes, critical sections or any other
locking mechanism you want. You can also limit the number of threads to 1 with
the nbThreads
parameter if you don’t want to deal with multi-threading
This recommendation applies only for C#, C++ and Java. Python (CPython) and Hexaly Modeler use a Global Interpreter Lock (also called GIL) that synchronizes the access of their underlying virtual machine, so that only one thread can execute at a time. If this special property of CPython and Hexaly Modeler simplifies the use of external functions, it can also have a significant performance impact since it prevents search parallelization (see Performance issues).
Performance issues¶
Even if we designed external functions to be as fast as possible, sometimes you will be faced with performance issues. There are two kinds of performance issues that can occur with external functions:
The final result of the search is not as good as it can be expected.
The speed of the search is degraded compared to a model without external functions.
The first issue is due to the nature of the feature itself. Indeed, Hexaly Optimizer doesn’t know anything about the new operator you add. It doesn’t even know if your operator is deterministic or not. Thus it will not be able to target the search or explore the solution space as it does with operators defined in its catalog. So if you observe feasibility troubles or if you can easily improve the solution returned by Hexaly Optimizer, try to reformulate most of your external function with the operators of Hexaly Optimizer.
The speed issue is a totally different problem. Calling an external
function is a bit more costly for Hexaly Optimizer than calling one of its
internal operator, but it is negligible. However, the case of Hexaly Modeler and
Python are special. As explained a bit earlier, Python and Hexaly virtual
machines use a Global Interpreter Lock that prevents 2 threads to access the
managed code at the same time. Because of this locking mechanism, using more
than one thread for the Hexaly Optimizer search would severely decrease
performance compared to a single-threaded search. Therefore, in presence of
Hexaly Modeler or Python external functions, Hexaly Optimizer will automatically
limit the number of threads actually used by the search if the nbThreads
parameter is not overloaded.
Memory management¶
In C++, you have to free the memory of the external functions you created. Hexaly Optimizer does not manage memory of objects created outside of its environment. This recommendation does not apply for managed languages (Hexaly Modeler, C#, Java, Python).
Surrogate modeling¶
If your function is computationally expensive to evaluate and can only be evaluated a small number of times during the solving process, you can enable the surrogate modeling feature on your external function to get better results.
This feature changes the internal behavior of the optimizer. Therefore, the following restrictions must be taken into account:
Collection variables and intervals are currently not supported.
Surrogate modeling can be enabled on one external function in your model at most, and only one call is allowed on the associated function.
The values returned by the function can only be used in objectives or in constraints (another
cannot include one of the returned value).
To use the surrogate modeling feature, you must enable the
of the external function using the method available on
the HxExternalContext
. Additional parameters specific to this functionality
can be set on the HxSurrogateParameters
The evaluation limit of the function, i.e. the maximum number of calls of the function
The evaluation points. A
is used to specify a known point of the function to the optimizer. It can be useful to warm-start the optimizer, especially when the function is particularly expensive to evaluate or if you already have a good estimate of the optimal point.
To illustrate this functionality we use the same example as before, in which we show how to enable the surrogate modeling on the external function.
The surrogate modeling feature is enabled by the method
available on the external function’s
. This method returns the HxSurrogateParameters
which are
used to limit the evaluation budget of the function to 20 calls:
function model() {
func <- doubleExternalFunction(...);
surrogateParams = func.context.enableSurrogateModeling();
function param() {
surrogateParams.evaluationLimit = 20;
The surrogate modeling feature is enabled by the method
available on the
external function’s context. This method returns the
which are used to limit the evaluation
budget of the function to 20 calls:
with HexalyOptimizer() as hx:
model = hx.model
func = model.double_external_function(...)
surrogate_params = func.external_context.enable_surrogate_modeling()
The surrogate modeling feature is enabled by the method
available on the
external function’s context. This method returns the
which are used to limit the
evaluation budget of the function to 20 calls:
HexalyOptimizer hx;
HxModel model = hx.getModel();
HxExpression func = model.externalFunction(...);
HxSurrogateParameters surrogateParams = func.getExternalContext().enableSurrogateModeling();
The surrogate modeling feature is enabled by the method
available on the HxExternalContext
of the function. This method returns the
which are used to limit the evaluation
budget of the function to 20 calls:
HexalyOptimizer hx = new HexalyOptimizer();
HxModel model = hx.GetModel();
HxExpression func = model.DoubleExternalFunction(...);
HxSurrogateParameters surrogateParams = func.GetExternalContext().EnableSurrogateModeling();
The surrogate modeling feature is enabled by the method
available on the HxExternalContext
the function. This method returns the HxSurrogateParameters
are used to limit the evaluation budget of the function to 20 calls:
HexalyOptimizer hx = new HexalyOptimizer();
HxModel model = hx.getModel();
HxExpression func = model.doubleExternalFunction(...);
HxSurrogateParameters surrogateParams = func.getExternalContext().enableSurrogateModeling();